Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 1

So it begins, my 17 Day Diet Journey.

For anyone not familiar with the program, you can view the basics here:

And purchase the book here:

My ideal weight loss total will be to lose anywhere between 60-75lbs. This will require repeating the cycles, most likely 3 times. By Christmas, I hope to reevaluate and see where I want to go from there.

I suppose I should discuss, briefly how I go to the point that I have that much weight to lose. It's fairly simple... high fat foods and low activity. I find drive-thru food too easy of an option and cooking is time consuming and I don't really enjoy it most times. It started with college, the fact that we could use our "Rocket Card" for pizza, fast food, and there were no parents cooking us healthy meals anymore. At the time, my activity level decreased as well. Mix in the occasional drinking/late night eating and it was a lose-lose-lose situation for me. Unfortunately these eating habits have not changed, as it is easy after a long day at work, an almost hour commute to just pick up something on the way home or order pizza when I get home. Genetics are not on my side, most everyone on my Dad's side of the family battles with their weight, and there are some that do on my Mother's side as well.

This is going to be a big challenge for me, planning meals for dinner as well as figuring out what to pack in my lunches each day.

One of the best assets I have in succeeding on this plan, is that my Dad (Tom) will be doing it at the same time. We are looking forward to supporting each other. I am very fortunate in that I do still live with my parents, so we can follow the plan and have less opportunity for cheating.

I would like to set up a reward system for every milestone of weight lost, such as 10lbs., 25 lbs, 35lbs, 50lbs. etc.

So far today I've had breakfast and lunch.

For breakfast I ate the following: 1 cup of Greek yogurt (Chobani-peach), 1 cup of tea and a mug of hot water with half a lemon squeezed into it. Still not used to the tea, and the water was so-so at best. I've always struggled with eating too fast after I get up, as food makes me gag that early. Perhaps I will try tomorrow bringing these items to work.

For lunch I ate: a salad of romaine, tomato, hard boiled egg, and basalmic vinegar. Also, mixed berries, and carrots. For a drink, I had water and more tea (gross.).

Tonight for dinner, I am going to be challenged as I have a Junior League Board meeting that has a buffet!! I don't have to get that of course, but I am sure it will look/smell so good!!

Thanks for reading!